Hi followers :)
Check out the Summer Festival artwork! What do you think?? I can't wait to hear your thoughts. There are 3 seperate artworks for each of the shows which I'll publish in a later post, soon.
It's all go in the SYT office, really don't know where to start. Ok, let's start with the temperature in the office - H.O.T! Maybe this isn't so much a case of the unusually clement Glasgwegian weather but more the energy being expended by all core staff, buzzing around at a hundred miles per hour in preparation for the festival launch on Monday.
Here's a wee break down of what's a-happening:
Staff packs are being prepared, registers are being finalised, tickets are already being printed off for Edinburgh Junior Course performance and flyers for the shows at Tramway, Tron and Brian Cox Studio are being printed up as we speak, I mean type. Eeek! Can't wait to see the finished product. SYT participants Shona McHugh, Robert Carr, Tea Lien Jack and Kamal MacDonald all posed beautifully so that our graphic designer had some really strong images to work into the Summer Festival artwork style that we came up with, incorporating a big kitsch beachball with summer blue skies as a back drop. Look at four these all over Glasgow city centre, no fly posting sites as well as some rather cool digital sites.
Peter Arnott has a photo shoot with the Herald at Tramway this afternoon. Look out for the exclusive interview he's given the Herald on Tuesday. I'll post the link next week after publication.
That's all for now.