Look what the cast of 'Adventures In A Norwegian Wood' found when they went on an adventure in Kelvingrove park ...

Possibly the most beautiful rose, ever!

They found a memeber of the cast knew a song she could teach everyone else - that might even be part of the show!

A family out for the day, having a swim, hanging out.

A game called 'poo sticks', right Fiona?!

More sticks.

The River Kelvin.

Artsy shot with the cast in the foreground. Lovely.

This was their favourite tree!

Yep, this is a pertty special tree ...

... so special it got hugged a little bit.

and stroked like a cat. Aww.

The amazing restoration of the fountain - everyone thought it was a bit like a castle.

Picnic benches.

Angie looking very happy with coffee & cake.
It looks like a lot fun and inspiration was had by all.