Busy busy in the Old Sheriff Court today.
Met Rory Beaton (one of most regular facebookers, nice to meet the man himself) in the office. Rory's on the Tech course and was in using a computer to source props.
- If anyone knows anyone with a cyprus tree or two, fake ones, please get in touch!
It was also 'cake day' Rory informed me. "Friday's always cake day". I know where I'll be next Friday then - cake hunting in SYT.
Mairi (events) and Niamh (admin) went shopping for prizes for the talent contest tomorrow night. The stakes are high so for all of those getting involved, practice hard tonight ;)
The staff forum's tonight and there'll be lots of opportunity for participants to get up close and grill the staff about all things theatrical. Hope it goes well.
Funny moment of the day - two very brave boys on foundation course banged heads. But they were all tough about it, they were, after all, doing kung fu moves at the time.