Friday, 15 July 2011

SF11 guest blog no.3 Emma-Jane Granger

Ok so hi, I'm Emma-Jane and, like Calum, I'm part of the cast of 'Born Bad?'. I play 'girl one' who I've renamed Daisy (Princess Banana Hamock) and I'm also part of the chorus who kind of tell Ella's (the murderer) story.

Today we blocked the second half of the show and now we've pretty much finished the outline of the play and all we need to do now is go back and tighten up some of the scenes so they will flow together. For me the best bit is seeing it all come together, our musical director (Ross Ramsay!) is awesome and has put together a chilling soundtrack which gives me shivers every time I hear it.

I can't wait to get the costumes, especially for the wee girls cause we have to be dressed up to look like our mums with over sized heals and huge dollies, but I have grown attached to the one I have now called Bridget so I'll be sad to see her go, le sob :(

Anyway I better go I can hear Fraser's cheery call of 'Lets do it again, this time with talent!'

careful though cause........ ELLA'S GONNA GET YOU!