Well, I'm Jamie, I'm playing Tom in 'Born Bad?' Tom is the older brother of Grace and as the show progresses you see him gradually break away from the rest of his family.
This is my third Summer Festival and I'm really enjoying it, this year I'm working with Fraser which is a first and I'm liking the change and it's been a great four weeks. I've met loads of new people this year which has been brilliant and of course I've got to see everyone from years before who I haven't seen in ages.
Today we have been doing our Technical Rehearsal, which has been, very, very tiring. We started teching at about three and so far we've made it to the third scene! It's great to be on the stage with all the set out and in our costumes and with the completed sound track.
Hmm, who would play me in a movie of my life? Well, I don't think that would be a very interesting movie, but I'm told that currently I look like Draco Malfoy or Christopher Eccleston which would be quite funny to see.
Well, I'd better go and get into costume and onstage before it's too late, I don't really want to anger Kenny or Fraser or Jayne!
I'll see you at the showings of 'Born Bad?' in the Brian Cox Studio Theatre!