Friday, 2 August 2013

SF13 Guest Blogger - Brandon Logan

Hello! My name is Brandon Logan, from Stromness, Orkney Islands. I'm 17 years old.

I'm doing the 6-week Performance and Production Learning Programme. This is my first Summer Festival and the first time I'm involved with Scottish Youth Theatre.

I applied to do this course because I wanted to get the chance to perform on a professional stage and also to make lifelong friends! I'm very happy to see both happening. 

I'm playing the part of Lord Darnley in “Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off”.

My fundraising for the course went really well. I put on a show and I also did some bag packing in local stores.

Who would play me in the movie of my life? I think I’d do it myself!

Tickets for SF13 shows "Mary Queen Of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off" and "Now's The Hour" are now on sale. 6-10 August. To book please call 0141 552 4267 or visit our website.