Thursday, 15 August 2013

Review: Now's The Hour

By Rachel Taylor

What is Scotland?

That is the primary question posed by Scottish Youth Theatre's original piece, "Now's The Hour". However, it is not as simple a question as it seems. It necessarily involves the following questions:

What is Scotland now?
What was Scotland? What has she been?
What do we want her to be - and how do we get her there?

This engaging, sharp and thoroughly witty show is achingly raw and entirely honest. This is a group of young people, many of whom will cast their very first vote in next year's referendum and all of whom are grappling with the above questions.

It is a rare gem in preparation for next year's vote, as it presents an utterly unbiased view. Rather than pushing an agenda, it explores with thoroughness many of the issues which are necessarily involved with the debate. No real indication is given of how the actors intend to vote, but the open truth of the issues is presented and the audience are left to reach their own conclusions.

From a performance point of view, the show stands in a league of its own, requiring a relatively small principal cast to act, sing, dance and accent-hop, manage a show which covers everything from dance and movement to rib-aching comedy to sombre and moving deep thought...and it’s all managed with great skill.

This should be required viewing for everyone in the country before next year.

If you didn't have the chance to see Now's The Hour, you can still catch it at the Festival of Politics on Saturday 24 August in the Scottish Parliament.

Friday, 2 August 2013

SF13 Guest Blogger - Brandon Logan

Hello! My name is Brandon Logan, from Stromness, Orkney Islands. I'm 17 years old.

I'm doing the 6-week Performance and Production Learning Programme. This is my first Summer Festival and the first time I'm involved with Scottish Youth Theatre.

I applied to do this course because I wanted to get the chance to perform on a professional stage and also to make lifelong friends! I'm very happy to see both happening. 

I'm playing the part of Lord Darnley in “Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off”.

My fundraising for the course went really well. I put on a show and I also did some bag packing in local stores.

Who would play me in the movie of my life? I think I’d do it myself!

Tickets for SF13 shows "Mary Queen Of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off" and "Now's The Hour" are now on sale. 6-10 August. To book please call 0141 552 4267 or visit our website.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

SF13 Guest Blogger - Scarlett Randle


My name is Scarlett Randle, 17 years old and I come from Newtonhill, Aberdeenshire.

I’m new to Scottish Youth Theatre. This is my first Summer Festival. I decided to apply for the Performance and Production Learning  Programme in order to improve my dramatic and musical skills, and of course to meet new people.

I’m in the cast of “Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off”, playing the part of La Corbie.

My fundraising efforts went surprising well. I managed to raise the full amount of my course fees! I organized some fundraising events such as a daffodil tea event and a murder mystery. Plus, I was lucky enough to receive a generous donation from Maersk Oil UK and from my school, Portlethen Academy.

I’d like Lilly Loveless to play me in the movie of my life. Or Shirley Carter – not really!

Tickets for SF13 shows "Mary Queen Of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off" and "Now's The Hour" are now on sale. 6-10 August. To book please call 0141 552 4267 or visit our website.